Tuesday 24 April 2012

ARCH1201 week 8 project 2 submission

Above four are posters. My chosen three aspects are obviously structure, interior and exterior spaces, as well as the detail and the whole. 
In structure aspect, three studies are the bearing system, the circulation system, and the material system. 
In interior and exterior spaces aspect, three studies are the three levels' interacting ways between the interior and the exterior. 
In the detail and the whole aspect, three studies are making a model enabling the moving platform, the vertical circulation, and the differences occurring when platform stopping at different levels.
The forth poster overalls a bit for the project, as well as indicates the proposition I tried putting the elements I learnt from both Bordeaux House and Villa Savoye. In my opinion, Bordeaux House is unique but a bit quite  accessing for the handicapped, so I tried promoting it more likely fitting the normal, removing the disabled symbolic feathers, improving the sense of flying in the air and reducing the sense of relying on the ground.

Above three models in scale of 1:100 belong to structure, showing bearing system, material system, and circulation system respectively, which are quite focusing on the different systems.

This is a model in scale of 1:100 showing the elevator platform as the detail element in this house. The platform can be moved up or down . 

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