Five real time image captures
This is Lady Gaga's office, with a small part exposed to the air, building the architecture with rain together. Meanwhile, rainy days and faint sky pointed out, to some extent, Gaga's style. The elevator is on the left and is vertical.
Here it is Jonathan Ive's office. With a sunny day and cloud floating, it gives a comparison with Gaga. The elevator is on left and is gentle incline. On the ground, It can be seen that the clouds give the shadows.
This is a view of the dining place and the natural bridge below in a far distance. The called natural bridge is made up of the nature, with no artificial elements. (smile)
An upward view through the hole under the natural bridge towards the blue sky.
A close view of the meeting and dining space. Through the glazing roof, the dining table can be seen with shadow by sunlight clearly. The snowflakes again give a comparison, with the sunlight.
Furthermore, the original valley draft is the death valley in USA, which inspiring the relationship between life and death, and other contraries or comparisons. Ive and Gaga are a pair of good choice which provides a sequence of contrasts, such as spiritual and scientific. Perhaps they are not contrary but still can be compared. Bridge is good idea, for communication, for conflict, and for other things which may occur between the two which are not the same.